Lease to Doomsday by Lee Archer

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Review of the book, Lease To Doomsday authored by Lee Archer. 

The book is about a business agent looking for clients and winning over the contract for a project that is both lucrative and mysterious. He launches over his own investigation of the business’ prospects and gets more involved than he had planned. 

The book, although of the science fiction genre, takes place in a generic city on Earth and its surrounding outlier terrains. It addresses the general themes of crime and greed in a way that transcends an agnostic internal drive of the characters. It is, of course, an entirely fantasy account of events.  The setting is rather bland and in this way contributes to the story-line.

The main characters in the book are self-focused on each of their own missions they are trying to accomplish. Although they all interact with each other, there isn’t any emotional depth to those interactions. Each has their own focus. The main character does get aroused and jolted into action in the later part of the story though just before it all wraps up. 

The whole way through the book I felt intrigued, wanting to know what  was going to happen next. The book moves along quickly. The writing is well done and the storytelling makes sense. The author moves along in a time-linear fashion so there is no jumping around from scene to scene in that regard. I certainly wasn’t bored or left with empty gaps. The book was original in its scope and undertaking of the theme throwing in the unique aspect of the major criminals’ relationship. I enjoyed the book and would recommend other people to read it.