Lease to Doomsday by Lee Archer

Review of the book, Lease To Doomsday authored by Lee Archer.  The book is about a business agent looking for clients and winning over the contract for a project that…

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Freedom by Mack Reynolds

Review by Robin Davies of the book, Freedom authored by Mack Reynolds The book is set in Russia and Czechoslovakia, predominantly in Moscow and Prague. It is the story of…

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The Protector by Renata W. Muller

The Protector by Renata W. Muller Review by Robin Davies Renata W. Müller, the author, is a Hungarian. She was born and raised in Budapest, Hungary and has lived in…

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The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells is a science fiction classic written in 1897. The novella was first serialized in Pearson’s Weekly the same year it was published. Griffin is a scientist who devotes himself…

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